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Chwalfa (T. Rowland Hughes)

Chwalfa (T. Rowland Hughes)

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"Wyddwn i ddim 'i fod o wedi gyrru'i enw i mewn."

Nid oedd ond un ystyr i'r geiriau, a chododd Edward Ifans ei olwg yn reddfol tua'r cerdyn ar y silff-ben-tân.

"Nid oes Bradwr yn y tŷ hwn," meddai'n chwerw wrtho'i hun.

It's the turn of the twentieth century and in the quarry at Llechwedd in north-west Wales the workers, following a long dispute with the owners, have gone on strike in hopes of winning better pay and conditions and an end to the nepotistic system of "Contractors".

But as the months drag on with no sign of an end to the strike, the community is torn apart family by family as the traitor scabs turn their backs on their co-workers and return to work, whilst others leave in search of a better life in the South.

One of the great novels in the Welsh language, this is a new edition of T. Rowland Hughes' powerful historical novel which chronicles the effects of the great stirke in the Penrhyn quarry in Bethesda from1900-03.

With a new introduction by Elin Gwyn.

Paperback, 300pp.

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